Monday, July 19, 2010


Some things are just destined to happen,
In many of these cases we feel completely beaten,
As if life has nothing fortunate to offer,
Even if we would try harder...
It is then when we feel like giving up hopes,
Accepting it all as ' bad luck strokes'...
Why on earth are we always so dissatisfied?
And always looking back on the days we cried.
What about the days when we had a good time?
We so easily forget the moments when all was fine...
This way we are just letting sadness sink in
And making it a depressing world to live in.
All depends on our attitude towards life,
With a positive one, life's a smooth drive.
So why choose to be unhappy
and blame it on our fate to be trappy.
At the end, everything's gonna be good
Only if we think the way we should!!!

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